Monday, March 22, 2010

Infant Baptism: Why? Wonderful explanation!

Read all about it here!


  1. Well, I wasn't there, (wish I had been), but I'm just glad that somebody took the photo and sent it to me. I wonder how you found out that the photo was posted.

  2. I'm not certain. I was looking for something and got distracted and ended on on your blog. Imagine my surprise when I scrolled down. Do you recall who sent it to you? Often times I post church events as my Facebook profile picture. Only goes to show what is public is certainly public. How's life and ministry in AL? Peace, pl

  3. I know who sent it: AGS, your former member and intern, and the baby is hers. But I don’t know who took the picture. The baby my grandson. I can't reply to your email with the whole picture because you have a non-reply email address when you post to a blog.

  4. I think you were looking for a Trinity Hymn on a blog called Waling Wet and saw my link on the sidebar.

  5. You'd think I could get my thoughts in one comment, but no. I'm not a pastor, I'm scattered, I guess.

  6. PL: I'm deleting your email addess (3X) from the comment section for your privacy.


And what do you think?