Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bible School Planning

Today was the first Bible School planning meeting.  Well, the first one that was more than the leaders, who met last week.  17 people showed up and a number of people had sent word that they would help, but couldn't be at the meeting.  That was a gratifying response. 
This Bible School will be at the beginning of August, run by our Lutheran Church and the Covenant Church from this little tiny town. 
I've usually helped with the publicity and also just filled in where needed, but last year I had to leave town due to a family emergency at the last minute, so I can't tell you how many kids took part, but I suppose we'll expect between 60 - 80 kids.  Our Sunday School has really dwindled in the last several years, so this is one time that we can reach the children. 
We've usually used our own format wedded with materials that are purchased from Augsburg or another publishing company.  We do the usual things such as opening worship time with music, Bible lesson, theater (act our the story), snack, recreation, and a craft related to the lesson.  But on Friday, the older grade school kids get to go on pontoon boats and go fishing, followed by lunch for the kids and parents.  The younger kids get to visit the nursing home.  It is a lively, tiring week.
My job today is to make some small posters and format a letter that will be sent to past participants, Sunday School kids, and any kids baptized in our church that haven't attended before.

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