Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I gave a short presentation to a group I belong to last evening. About 10 minutes before the meeting was suppose to start, there were only about 5 people in the room. We started speculating, “Where is everybody?” Normally, this group shows up early and there should be at least 25 people. Someone mentioned that Hillary would be speaking that evening in a city of 17,000 people down the road. Would so many of our group go hear her speak rather than attend our monthly meeting? This area is, BTW, one of the areas that the Republicans were saying on national TV would go their way. I don’t understand why they stated that since historically the opposite has been true.

Some of the people said that the radio news had said that at 5:00 pm, at least an hour before the doors would open, about 500 people were already lined up to attend the rally. It was cold out.

Well, our meeting turned out just like usual, so I guess a warm group of not-especially-young friends was more appealing than standing in line to hear Hillary promote the Democratic candidates for President and Senate.

I made sure to catch the early TV news today to see how this rally went. The reporter stated that the crowd numbered almost 5000 people. I’m sure that this is more than a wild guess, since the Hockey Arena where the event was held has a finite number of seats as well as chairs on the floor. I could see how crowded the place was. It appeared that a large number of those in attendance were young women.

This kind of event doesn’t interest me enough to go there. But I was surprised to hear my husband say that he would like to attend something like that. I asked him if he would really do so if he had to wait in line a couple of hours. He reconsidered and said no, but that he would rather hear such a speaker if it weren’t an election year because now there is just too much political posturing.

1 comment:

  1. I can't imagine standing in line for a political speech.


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