Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Year

The church may view the year as starting with the beginning of Advent, but I view my personal year as starting with Epiphany. That is because Epiphany is when the Light shines forth. But it is also just after my birthday and it is the last day of the Christmas season, so the lights and colors are put away.

I'm not much of a goal setter because I've found that I can spend more time setting and refining the goals than I do in trying to attain them. But I have found that some review is helpful. I find that when I think "I got nothing done" I have actually accomplished something. That "something" might be intangible, such as developing a friendship or helping a loved one, but it needs to be acknowledged by me, or I find I fall into the culture's definition of success, acquiring things and ticking off accomplishments on a list. I need also to include family events that I had a part in.
So for the past year:

Family: Mom's 90th birthday
Grandson's baptism
Daughter's college graduation
Employment of all my children!
First Christmas without kids at home in 30 years.

Physical: Eyes: 6 eye doctor appointments, due to severe reaction to bright lights and later,
black spots in one eye's sight. Happy to report that the infection cleared up and the
detachment resolved. But I'm allergic to all eye drops I've tried.

Knee arthritis: My legs are still weak, but my right knee now bends quite a bit more than
it has for three years. Inexplicable but welcomed. I tried riding a bike again. I might trycross country skiing again.

Politics: I spent more time following politics this past year than the rest of my life
put together, but this really had nothing to do with Obama. I've become more political in
thought processes, more supportive of the needs of working people.I've remained in favor of more just societies world wide.

Religion and Faith: Continued to be active in my church, including choir, Bible Study, stewardship,
youth group helper, and giving a presentation during Lent.
Read lots of faith related blogs.
Wrote some faith related blog articles.
Remained upset over the lack of intellectual and logical rigor of some faith-related bloggers.

Personal accomplishments or activities:

Drove a lot across Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Developed deeper friendships with three wonderful women.

Enjoyed short trips through West Central Minnesota and also SW Wisconsin.
Developed and gave a power point presentation on Habitat for Humanity and the God's
Child Project.
Made three liturgical stoles.
Used my photography in my fabric work.
Gave a presentation of photos on fabric.
Worked in a series. (Artists know what this means.)
Had my work in two art shows. Felt like a real artist for the first time.
Gave up on perfectionism, so now I will really finish a project a long time in the making.
Learned to like squash. Now my husband loves me more.
Corresponded by email with people in Korea, Poland, Uganda, Nigeria, and all over the US.
Baked a lot of bread.

I didn't: Fly this last year for the first time in a long time.
Didn't paint the laundry room, again.
Didn't convert to vegetarianism.
Didn't write the essays I promised people about my trip to Uganda.
Didn't "melt and fuse." [long story.]
Didn't buy any new or used vehicles. Our newest car is 8 years old.
Didn't buy any new coats or jackets. Only one pair of shoes.
Didn't lose weight or exercise regularly, although I do attend a class, sometimes.

And I still Hate Cleaning! And I do it as little as possible.


  1. I still hate cleaning too. :-( Ah, it is a new year, PS! Let's face it bravely and joyfully...or at least with our eyes open! Blessings, my friend.

  2. We learned a lot about you from that.

  3. Now that's a long list. Just reading it makes me want to take a nap.

    You know, if going vegetarian is on your list, you might think of starting with one day a month ... start building your repertoire of recipes.

    Take care & God bless
    Anne / WF


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